


Woodruff & Lindsey Dental Associates is proud to offer Invisalign clear aligner therapy to improve the overall structure, function + appearance of your smile. This modern-day orthodontic solution provides a system of clear, removable aligners that offers a comfortable, convenient + efficient treatment process without the restrictions of traditional braces. Our dentists will create a custom treatment plan with your orthodontic goals in mind while encouraging better, faster results.

Indications for Invisalign

Invisalign treatment is so much more than just enhancing the aesthetic appearance of your smile! Orthodontic issues can cause serious problems for your teeth, oral health + overall well-being. Thankfully, when you improve your smile with Invisalign, your teeth also get healthier + stronger!

While it depends on the complexity of the issue you’re facing, Invisalign can be used to treat many of the most common orthodontic problems including:

  • Crowded teeth: When teeth begin to erupt and little space is available, this can cause your other teeth to shift and become crowded. This creates problems when trying to keep your mouth clean and healthy. Brushing and flossing become less effective, and you become more vulnerable to decay and disease. Fortunately, Invisalign is an effective method to treat crowded teeth. Using clear aligners, they can shift your teeth in a way that brings them into proper alignment and give your smile the space it needs.

  • Gaps/Spaces between teeth: Teeth that are too far apart can cause problems for much more than just your looks and your self-confidence. These empty, hard-to-brush spaces also provide an excellent hiding place for bacteria and food particles, where they accumulate and dramatically increase your risk of issues like cavities and gum disease. Depending on the amount of space involved, Invisalign can close these gaps.

  • Bite alignment: Are you suffering from an underbite, overbite or crossbite? These bite alignment problems can make your appearance look unbalanced, but more than that, they can place a tremendous amount of excess pressure on your jaw joints. In turn, this can lead to a whole host of serious issues, like extra wear and tear on your teeth, grinding and clenching your jaw at night, or even TMJ disorder. Thankfully, many cases of mild to moderate bite issues can be corrected with Invisalign!

Questions to ask yourself if considering Invisalign treatment:

Is there anything about your smile that you would like to improve?
Invisalign is a perfect solution for patients with gapped teeth, crowded teeth, overbite, underbite or crossbite.

Do you prefer to brush and floss as you normally do?
Keep things simple with Invisalign. Simply remove your aligner after each meal, then brush and floss as you already do!

Would shorter, less frequent appointments benefit you?
If you have a busy schedule, Invisalign is a good choice because individual appointments can be as short as 15 minutes! Your dentist will check the progress of your treatment, give you new aligners, and you’ll be on your way.

Do you prefer a less noticeable treatment?
If you’d rather others didn’t notice your treatment, Invisalign is your best choice since it uses clear aligners to gently move your teeth.

Do you want the best value in the least amount of time?
Invisalign treatment can be shorter, and therefore less expensive. Most patients who choose Invisalign feel it offers the greatest value because it offers key benefits other treatment options simply don’t.

Do you have any special occasions coming up?
Invisalign gives you the option of removing your aligners for any photo ops.

Do you want to be able to eat anything you normally would?
Since Invisalign is removable, you won’t have any dietary restrictions because of your treatment.

Curious about the next step?
Enough waiting… Get started by scheduling a consultation with us today! No worries, you aren’t obligated to do anything. A simple exam is all it takes to begin!